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We are very excited to be launching an old/new idea in order to maintain and keep beautiful our property here at Mission Creek Alliance... Adopt-A-Section! 

We've divided the church property into eight manageable sections. Adopting a section involves taking on responsibility for maintaining that area on a monthly basis. This will involve weeding, sweeping, and raking during the Spring/Summer/Fall seasons (on your schedule!). 

For the grass along Springfield, we already have one person committed to mowing the lawn every other week. We would like to see it mown once a month in the peak season so are looking for 1-2 more people to adopt this section on a monthly or bi-weekly committment. 

Adopting a section could be done by an individual, a family, Grandparents and Grandkids, or a group of friends / small group! 

We'll provide the tools needed!

Email for more info or to sign up.